Player Event Standings

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Rank Player Times Played Total Points Avg. Gross Low Gross
T1 Desiree Ortiz 2 100.00 65.0 65.0
T1 Connor Ellison 2 100.00 78.0 78.0
T1 Alyssa Metcalfe 2 100.00 97.5 97.0
T1 Luka Peterman 2 100.00 70.0 70.0
T1 Mercedes Sayegh 2 100.00 107.5 106.0
T1 Alberto Aguilar 2 100.00 81.5 77.0
T1 Diego Alvarado 2 100.00 58.0 56.0
T1 Tessa Ortiz 2 100.00 44.5 44.0
T1 Jacinto (jr) Lozada 2 100.00 43.5 41.0
T10 Martina Gomez 2 85.00 69.0 69.0
T10 Isak Lindstrom 2 85.00 81.0 81.0
T10 Juan Pablo Chavarría 2 85.00 84.0 84.0
T10 Sophia Maduro 2 85.00 109.5 107.0
T10 Juan Pablo Alvarado Barrantes 2 85.00 83.5 83.0
T10 Nicolas O'Donnell 2 85.00 65.5 65.0
T10 Sofia Esquivel 2 85.00 63.5 63.0
T10 Rodolfo Zeledon 2 85.00 49.5 45.0
T18 Mauricio Amaya 2 70.00 90.0 90.0
T18 Dominic Marx 2 70.00 85.0 85.0
T18 Luis Cruz Ventura 2 70.00 88.0 88.0
T18 Marco Vasquez 2 70.00 71.0 70.0
T18 Mateo Gomez 2 70.00 50.5 50.0
23 Alexandre Van Der Schueren 2 60.00 101.0 101.0
T24 Andres Saborío 2 55.00 118.0 118.0
T24 Maximiliano Perez 2 55.00 106.0 106.0
26 Tomas Amador 2 50.00 103.0 103.0
T27 Luis Fernando Pasos 2 35.00 105.0 105.0
T27 Matias Cañas Soriano 2 35.00 110.0 110.0
T29 Patrick Ellison 1 0.00 0.0 0.0
Totals:   2,220.00